Sunday, March 3, 2013

She Changed The way I Look at Things...

Yesterday I got a text from my friend that her friend was rushed to the hospital because her friend was stabbed in her condo... I don't know what to say... I replied later and she said that her friend was gone... I felt something in my heart di ko alam kung ano I was moved and realize how short life can be... After hearing the story, when the girl tried to call for help I imagined as if I was there, as if I can hear her pleading for help. I can't help but close my eyes and reflect... Where is God when that crime happened? Why did God let that happened? I don't know di ko alam.. I lived my life believing God has plans for us but ewan di ko alam! why does bad things happen to good people... I feel really bad kahit nde naman kami close actually di ko siya kilala. I feel the loss especially from her parents... Its just so wrong, we should bury our parents not the other way around...  She changed me, she made me realize my life is so important, she made me realize the value of life... I think I'am feeling this because its God way of saying that I should start living my life more... In the past few weeks I've been kind of mad at God for some reason... I felt like his not listening to me... I felt I lost our connection but after this incident its like a light bulb popped into my head naliwanagan ako sa mga bagay bagay... I know you're in heaven now I just want to say you have been an instrument of change for me, you made me feel that its time to get out of bed and go out to the world and help other people I just want to say your friend Jo loves you so much.. she hoped na sana nakapagpaalam man lang sha sayo..  My deepest condolences to the Conde family...  RIP Dannielle "danni" Conde

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