Monday, December 31, 2012

Photography: New Year Style 2013

 2013 - The year of the snake.

*The snake is the sixth sign in the Chinese Zodiac, which consists of 12 animal signs.

*Since I was born in the year of the Dog, according to

2013 Predictions for those born in the Year of the Dog
Like the sheep, the dog will do well this year. This doesn’t mean that the dog will not come face to face with the slow moving obstacles that will hit everyone this year; it just means that the nature of the dog moves well at the pace of the water snake. This enables the dog to achieve his/her goals with a bit of avoidance strategy (avoiding the bumps). The dog should not be tempted to give up when things don’t seem to move forward; just keep going. It’s a slow year.

2013 entered 1 hour and 18 mins ago! :) I was there in our balcony with my tripod and camera waiting for the right moment! luckily i was able to get beautiful shots.....Somehow :)

 “A good snapshot keeps a moment from running away.” 
― Eudora Welty

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